Day Structure
The timetable structure is designed to allow students to maximise their learning through a number of contexts and experiences. It also allows parents to be able to have effective input and be more fully involved in the education of their children.
The school day is from 8.30am to 3pm. Students are able to work at their own level and with others of similar ability. There is a day-to-day student to teacher ratio of 15:1. During this time, the students have a variety of tasks and expectations of their input are high with little down-time.
A significant amount of the work is overtly taught by the staff to ensure that the New Zealand Curriculum is fully covered. This includes classes for Maths, Science, English, Social Studies and Technology. This teaching is done within the context of the projects. Students also have a significant amount of time to direct their own work as individuals and in groups. Research, thinking, and presenting skills are developed in depth.
Students primarily work in their year groups during the morning sessions. Changes are sometimes made for individuals to provide a better match to project, interest and need. Their year groupings are the basis for the organisation of the afternoon programmes.
Year 10 students are taught in a manner that keeps in mind preparation for their transition into the final years of schooling. Students will be well prepared for entry into year 11 at a secondary school and have an excellent base upon which to excel in the new qualifications framework or overseas administered exams.
ICT is used to foster creativity, allow access to a vast range of information, develop problem solving skills, prepare students for 21st Century life, increase enthusiasm, improve research skills, develop communication skills and help students work cooperatively and internationally. In summary, it is used to broaden the scope and diversity of learning. When students leave Middle School West Auckland they take an electronic portfolio of work with them.
Morning Programme
The morning programme has a strong academic focus. Learning starts at 8:30am and students have four 1-hour classes. Over the course of a week they have classes for Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies and Technology. Students also have an hour of “Independent’ - an hour where they drive their learning and work through their Project tasks
Afternoon Programme
In the afternoon programme (1.30 - 3pm), the year group's classes rotate through different activities each week. Year 7 to Year 10 will participate in the following afternoon programmes
Sport (2 Afternoons)
Community Learning and Community Service