Why Years 7-10?
Personal Development
The middle years, ages 10 – 15, are a crucial developmental period in the lives of young people. Middle School West Auckland is a developmental window as well as a learning window. It provides an environment where the children can have their personal, emotional, academic, physical, social, and spiritual needs met in a very supportive manner.
A student graduating from Middle School West Auckland will have:
had the opportunity to develop their potential in a wide range of academic, physical, cultural, and social areas.
been in a continuously stimulating learning environment.
had emphasised the very best teaching, learning and thinking techniques and the best use of ICT skills and opportunities.
been in an environment permeated with Christian values and philosophy basis that genuinely facilitates the child’s development.
followed an integrated, project-based curriculum that encompassed the New Zealand Curriculum guidelines and developed the Ministry of Education’s essential skills framework