Support Us
As a registered charity, The Villa Education Trust aims to create partnerships and receive support from outside businesses, individual supporters and service groups to enable it to provide outstanding education to those that need it most.
Areas where this support may be applied include:
Scholarship Fund for all round individuals who have graduated from a Villa Education Trust school.
Hardship Scholarship to help existing students when the financial situation of a family changes in order to allow the student to remain at school.
Strategic projects to support continued growth and opportunities for students.
Ways to give
The Villa Education Trust is a registered Charitable Trust for Donations. Under the current rules, individual donors will be able to claim 33.3% tax rebate on all donations up to their annual net income.
Payroll giving. This enables you to donate to us directly from your pay and receive instant tax benefits that reduce your payable PAYE.
Direct donations.
We welcome your contact and interest in further information.
Karen Poole, CEO, trust@villaeducation.org.nz 0210440556
Payroll Giving
Payroll giving is a voluntary initiative that enables employees to make donations through their employer's payroll system to organisations that are approved by Inland Revenue. Villa Education Trust is an approved donee organisation, and is a registered charity.
Donations made via payroll giving receive an immediate PAYE credit of 33% of the donation amount. This means if you donate $15, it actually costs you only $10.
Further information on how the service works can be found at www.payrollgivinginfo.org.nz or please get in touch with us: trust@villaeducation.org.nz.
Payroll giving works for all involved:
It provides the donor with a seamless way to donate, and saves the hassle of claiming the tax back as part of an annual tax return.
It provides the employer with a way to support the things that matter to employees.
It provides Villa Education Trust with a steady revenue stream, and lowers the cost of fundraising.